If you’re tired of cutting out our advertisements and sticking them to your ceiling, the Big Ass Fans® app makes it easy to visualize how a Haiku® fan will look in your own home, business, patio or wherever you want to combine energy-efficient air movement and stunning design.
BIGASS FAN - Haiku L-Series Generation 2 -44" Resin Air FoilPerformance:
One Haiku fan is adequate for an area of 18ft X 18ft (5.5m x 5.5m) if enclosed by four walls and a ceiling (indoor). One Haiku fan can cover an area of 13ft X 13ft (4.6m x 4.6m) if not enclosed by four walls and a ceiling (outdoor). Multiple Haiku fans should be spaced 12ft (3.7m) apart from each other, measured from fan center to fan center, for indoor use. They should be spaces 10ft (3m) from each other for outdoor use. The ideal height of the bottom of your fan is between 7ft (2.1m) and 12ft (3.7m) above the finished floor. |
Bigass Fan Haiku L Series
If you’re tired of cutting out our advertisements and sticking them to your ceiling, the Big Ass Fans® app makes it easy to visualize how a Haiku® fan will look in your own home, business, patio or wherever you want to combine energy-efficient air movement and stunning design.
BIGASS FAN -Haiku H Series SenseMe 60"
Haiku H Series
If you’re tired of cutting out our advertisements and sticking them to your ceiling, the Big Ass Fans® app makes it easy to visualize how a Haiku® fan will look in your own home, business, patio or wherever you want to combine energy-efficient air movement and stunning design.
BIGASS FAN - Haiku H Series SenseMe 52"
Haiku H Series
If you’re tired of cutting out our advertisements and sticking them to your ceiling, the Big Ass Fans® app makes it easy to visualize how a Haiku® fan will look in your own home, business, patio or wherever you want to combine energy-efficient air movement and stunning design.
BIGASS FAN - Haiku L-Series 52" Resin Air FoilPerformance:
One Haiku fan is adequate for an area of 18ft X 18ft (5.5m x 5.5m) if enclosed by four walls and a ceiling (indoor). One Haiku fan can cover an area of 13ft X 13ft (4.6m x 4.6m) if not enclosed by four walls and a ceiling (outdoor). Multiple Haiku fans should be spaced 12ft (3.7m) apart from each other, measured from fan center to fan center, for indoor use. They should be spaces 10ft (3m) from each other for outdoor use. The ideal height of the bottom of your fan is between 7ft (2.1m) and 12ft (3.7m) above the finished floor. |
Bigass Fan Haiku L Series
If you’re tired of cutting out our advertisements and sticking them to your ceiling, the Big Ass Fans® app makes it easy to visualize how a Haiku® fan will look in your own home, business, patio or wherever you want to combine energy-efficient air movement and stunning design.
We Would Love to Have You Visit Soon!
HoursM/T/W/F : 星期一 ,二,三,五
12noon - 7:30pm *(逢星期四休息公眾假期除外, Every Thursday Off, Public Holiday Except) SAT 星期六: 12noon - 6:00pm SUN 星期日: 12noon - 6:00pm Pubilc Holidays 公眾假期 12noon - 6:00pm |
*English Speaking staffs (Thursday Except)
*本店設普通話服務員 |
Address302A, No.1 Cheung Shun Street
Sun Cheong Industrial Building Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon Hong Kong 香港九龍荔枝角 長順街1號 新昌工業大廈302A室 |
www.TPLighting.hk, www.CeilingFan.com.hk, www.CeilingFan.hk by Trillion Products Limited all right reserved 2018,
All content, logo trademark 2009 All right reserved.
All content, logo trademark 2009 All right reserved.